2015-10-22 10:02  
英国国家统计局(Office for National Statistics)表示,今年第二季度,6.4万名中国内地人走完签证申请流程来到英国。


去年,英国政府斥资160万英镑,发起了一场为一些英国地标征集中文名的活动。例如,Sherwood Forest被命名为“侠盗林”,Cerne Abbas Giant则被称为“白色大裸奔”。
今年,英国财政大臣乔治·奥斯本(George Osborne)拨出130万英镑,启动一项邀请中国游客在线分享旅行照片的活动,活动时间从10月26日持续至圣诞节。英国政府希望会有1亿中国人关注活动结果。
世界旅游业理事会(WTTC)总裁戴维·斯科斯尔(David Scowsill)表示:“英国应对中国商务和休闲游客予以重视。想象一下,如果英国政府更积极地简化中国游客的签证流程,将会对英国零售和酒店业以及整个经济产生多大的推动。”


UK efforts to attract Chinese tourists resulted in a 33 per cent year-on-year rise in arrivals between April and June, according to the latest data.

The Office for National Statistics said 64,000 mainland Chinese had made their way through the visa application process to come to the UK in the second quarter.


In spite of the increase and the renminbi strengthening against the pound, their spending fell by only 6 per cent to 151m pounds, said the ONS.

Tourism chiefs have spent years targeting tourists from China who spend an average of 2,688 pounds each — four times more than most visitors — and stay for 10 nights compared with an average of six.
Last year, the government spent 1.6m pounds on a campaign to give Mandarin names to some UK landmarks. Sherwood Forest, for example, became "Forest of Chivalrous Thieves" and the Cerne Abbas Giant the "Big White Streaker".
This year, George Osborne, the chancellor, launched a 1.3m pounds campaign from October 26 to Christmas that will ask Chinese tourists to share pictures of their visit online. The government hopes that 100m Chinese will see the results.
The various campaigns have had some success. During the past five years, the amount spent each year by Chinese visitors has increased by 326 per cent to now stand at 497.5m pounds.
But the number is low in the context of the boom in China's travel market. More than 120m Chinese are expected to travel abroad this year and while Asian countries are the top five destinations, France, Italy, Switzerland and Germany round out the top 10.
By comparison, the UK received 7.4m visitors from continental Europe, nearly 1m from the US and 152,000 from India in the second quarter, according to the ONS.
David Scowsill, president of the World Travel and Tourism Council, the trade body, said: "Chinese business and leisure travellers should be important to the UK. Imagine the boost to the UK retail and hospitality industries and the economy in general if the UK government was more progressive with visa processing for Chinese consumers."
The disadvantage of being outside the EU's Schengen single-visa bloc could be offset by offering an online visa process, sparing visitors long queues at consular offices, said Mr Scowsill. The UK could also allow a simplified process that included a UK visa on a Schengen application.
"We urge the government to think much more radically about this issue. It is extraordinary that the Chinese rank only number 34 among the top markets in terms of visits to the UK," he said.
Other issues include strict rules barring Chinese students in the UK from staying on to work, and the lack of a long-term visas. The US has introduced 10-year visas as standard for Chinese visitors, wheras the UK's default is one year.