2015-10-29 09:35  
世界贸易组织发布报告指出,如果完全落实2年前达成的贸易便利化协定(TFA),每年可以提高全球货物出口多达1万亿美元,新兴经济体可从中获得超过半数的利益。WTO发布的《世界贸易报告》首度对WTO于2013年12月达成的贸易便利化协定提出评估结果。WTO秘书长阿泽维多(Roberto Azevedo)称,新证据证实贸易便利化协定可以扩大世界贸易,降低成本,把发达和不发达国家融入越来越全球化的生产体系。 贸易便捷协定是WTO具有里程碑意义的协议,是WTO于1995年成立以来首次达成的多边协议。此协议需要得到161个成员中的三分之二批准后才能实施,至今仅半数成员国完成了国内批准程序。(中国进出口网

WTO released a report that, if the trade facilitation agreement (TFA) was fully implemented two years ago, global exports of goods each year would increase as much as $ 1 trillion, the emerging economies can derive more than half of the benefits. WTO released "World Trade Report", which, for the first time, proposed assessment on the trade facilitation agreement reached in December 2013. WTO Secretary-General Roberto Azevedo said the new evidence proved that trade facilitation agreement may expand the world trade, reduce costs, and increasingly involve the developed and non-developed countries into the globalized production system. TFA is a landmark agreement for WTO, and also the first multilateral agreement since WTO was established in 1995. This agreement will be implemented as long as it is approved by the two-thirds of 161 members, but so far only half of the members completed their domestic ratification procedures.