2019-06-21 17:49  
今日,中国驻伊朗大使馆发布公告表示,近期,地区紧张局势不断升级。提醒在伊中国公民和机构密切关注局势发展,加强安全防范和应急准备。假期出国旅游高峰,如在国外遇到紧急情况,请尽快联系外交部全球领保与服务应急呼叫中心,电话:+86-10-12308。转扩! ​​​​
The Chinese embassy in Iran said in a statement today that regional tensions have been escalating recently, we remind Chinese citizens and institutions in Iran to closely follow the situation and strengthen security precautions and emergency preparedness. Please contact the global consular protection and services emergency call center of the Chinese ministry of foreign affairs Phone: +86-10-12308.  ​​​​