硕联合科技,中国的供应商,作为苹果公司的代表把ipad mini 和iphone 5c组合在一起,已经获得即将到来的iphone6的大量的订单。
根据宣称的 “供应链条资源”和电子时报的谈论,直到2014年年末公司将聚集2500万的iphones,在2014年的剩余部分将会有一半的苹果的全部供应。
人们相信苹果的通常的ipone供应商,富士康(Foxconn),将会生产另外一半iphone。这种分割开来的生产方式暗示着经过一年的更倾向于现代iphone 手机和ipad模型的生产之后库比蒂诺(Cupertino)(苹果公司的全球总公司所在地)正期望着给予硕联合科技(Pegatron)更多的工作。
Pegatron, the Chinese supplier which puts together the iPad mini and iPhone 5c on behalf of Apple, has been handed a huge order for the forthcoming iPhone 6.
According to claiomed 'supply chain sources' speaking with Digitimes, the company will assemble 25 million iPhones before the end of 2014, half of Apple’s entire order for the rest of the year.
It’s believed that Apple’s usual iPhone supplier, Foxconn, will manufacture the other half. But the even split suggests Cupertino is looking to give Pegatron more work after a year of working more closely on current iPhone and iPad models.
The numbers relate to the 4.7–inch model of the iPhone 6, which is believed to be launching ahead of the the larger 5.5–inch model.
Foxconn is thought to be the sole manufacturer of the latter. However, that may change seeing as previous rumours had pegged it to make 70 per cent of the 4.7–inch model.
iPhone 6 rumours continue to swirl, with a growing number of parts leaks occurring before its planned launch date, believed to be 9 September.