品牌:Dr. Sal’s
产品含有茶树油,梅丽莎油、薰衣草和胶性银成分。因为他们的抗菌,抗病毒, 抗感染的属性,这些已经被使用了几个世纪。对诸如毒葛,牛皮癣、湿疹、皮疹、荨麻疹、,疮、粉刺, 脚气,股癣,蚂蚁咬伤、蚊虫叮咬、酵母皮疹等引起的瘙痒有很好的功效,也可用于尿布疹。
我们的乳液是纯天然的成分。产品使用100%纯天然,低热量, 蒸馏萃取出精油成分。产品及产品生产过程中没有使用任何化学物质。
Stop Scratching
This lotion is good as a daily moisturizer and also for itchy, scratchy, skin conditions. This lotion contains tea tree oil, oil of Melissa, lavender and Colloidal Silver. These have been used for centuries because of their ANTI-BACTERIAL, ANTI-VIRAL and ANTI-SEPTIC properties. Use this lotion to help stop itching that can be associated with various things such as poison ivy, poison oak, psoriasis, eczema, rashes, hives, insect bites or stings, boils, pimples, athletes foot, jock itch, ant bites, mosquito bites, yeast rashes and anything itchy or that makes you scratch. We use this on diaper rash too. If you have an itchy scratchy that won’t go away or that is red, angry looking or has a fever, go to the doctor. Our Lotions are made from all natural, pure ingredients. We use 100% pure, low heat, steam distilled essential oils. NO CHEMICALS are used in any part or process of our products. Our products are safe for animals, for humans of all ages, size, gender and health status. The locations go on easily, are rapidly absorbed, never stocky or greasy and are safe to use on