桦树汁是在春天汁液矿物质含量丰富的时候收集而来的,汁液清澈,味道淡雅,微微带些甜味。白桦树汁和白桦树饮料不可以混为一谈,白桦树饮料只是从树叶里面提取的简单的饮用水而已,与矿物质含量丰富的白桦树汁无法比拟。白桦树汁的主要的成分是矿物质汁液,含有钙、镁、钾、纳、益生元 (铜、锌)、植物激素、粘质物 和17 胺基酸如谷氨酸。纯净的白桦树液是一种新鲜的天然泉水,可作为极好的血液清洁剂,消除人体废弃物:酸尿酸、尿素、胆固醇。
白桦树汁液可以用于以下疾病,起到辅助治疗的作用:慢性膀胱炎,慢性关节风湿病 ,蜂窝组织炎,血胆脂醇过多,肥胖症,痛风。更多优质货源请访问中国进出口网
about Birch sap Tree of life and drink of the gods
In many parts of the world such as Russia, Ukraine, Finland, Canada, Japan, Korea, but also in other countries (especially in the northern hemisphere), use birch sap has a long tradition, being considered in the tradition of folk healing drink exceptional effects.
The sap is harvested in the spring sap Gross, mineral. It is a very clear liquid, and tastes bland, very pleasant slightly sweet. Birch sap must not be confused with birch juice, derived from a simple aqueous extraction of the leaves, product is very different from the sap mineral. The main compounds are minerals sap, calcium, magnesium, potasiul, sodiul, oligoelementele (Copper, proud, mangan, zinc), hormonii vegetali, mucilage and 17 aminoacizi free, such as glutamic acid. Pure birch sap, fresh natural spring cleaning is a great blood cleanser, which removes organic waste: acid uric, urea, cholesterol.
Beyond these minerals and nutrients found in the sap through various laboratory, can notice an additional factor: Energy vietii. When it comes to the existence of a birch special forms of bioenergy, makes the sap to be a "living water", endowed with the ability to change the status of our body energy. As with other trees, birches are true 'core' biological energy, Their sap is strongly impregnated by this force upward shaft. Therefore, after cure of sap, in our being can feel a real reawakened power regeneration and ascension, both in terms of physical, and inner, spiritual and mental powers by reactivating.
Consumul a 0,5 – 1,0 liters / day birch sap, over 2 after 3 weeks, help the body to detox and diets, vitamin deficiency, fatigue, depression, increases resistance to physical and mental stress, colds, infectious diseases and allergic.
Birch sap can be used as an aid in: litiaza renală, chronic cystitis, artroză, reumatism cronic, Cellulitis, hipercolesterolemie, Obesity, gout, stomatită aftoasă, dermatoză.
Birch sap, rich betulin, possesses diuretic and depurative, stimulating the elimination of uric acid, a ureei, has the ability to reduce cholesterol.
Birch sap, by power-cleansing and regenerating natural antioxidant, stimulates the functioning of most organs, metabolism through activation of the osteoarticular apparatus, endocrine, urinate, cutaneous, central nervous system and of the reticuloendothelial system.