“卡特洛姆” 是于2016红酒市场上新高档的红酒品牌。我们红酒口感细腻, 浓郁, 层次分明, 将使您欲罢不能. 但是我们的价格亲民. ”卡特洛姆“ 适合婚礼, 宴请, 聚会, 或许我们可以为您的浪漫晚餐锦上添花. 我们相信无论在何时何地, 享用我们的红酒, 都将给您超乎想象的体验.
”卡特洛姆“ 的所有红酒都在法国或者西班牙酿造, 并且在西班牙罐装. 我们的葡萄来自于西班牙及法国的葡萄园,我们的葡萄酒庄园从1880年就已开始酿造葡萄酒. 我们选择佳的储存温顿 : 15摄氏度-17摄氏度。
• Corte Lumo™ is 2016's newest and most luxurious wine in the
market. Our dry, rich, smooth, fruity flavor will leave you wan\ng
more. And with the very affordable price tag, the quality is
unmatched. Corte Lumo™ is great for weddings, dinner par\es, or
a roman\c meal with your partner. Whichever way you enjoy this
full-flavored wine, we are sure that it will be with you at your next
big occasion.
• Corte Lumo™ is made of Spanish and French origin, with our wines
being bodled in Spain. Origina\ng from family-owned vineyards in
Spain and France, the chateau from which our wine was born has
been around since the year 1880. We choose only the best quality
grapes and turn them into real works of art.
• Best served between 15°C - 17°C.