 意大利鲁卡德西奥农场(Azienda Agricola LDC

鲁卡德西奥农场是坐落在意大利贝内文托省城外约十里外桑尼奥,De Cicco家族在农场已超过一个世纪,这里是大自然的葡萄园,橄榄园和果园,阳光充足,有着适合种植葡萄橄榄树,干草,石榴和桑树的肥沃粘土和石灰岩土质。

LDC公司今日离不开这片土地的慷慨恩赐,葡萄树和橄榄树是我们的爱,酒和油是我们不变的产品……”生产Bacco Setoso 红葡萄酒(DOP) &Scialanghina法兰娜白葡萄酒(DOP)和少量的橄榄油。 意大利鲁卡德西奥农场(Azienda Agricola LDC



农场主鲁卡德西奥(Luca De Cicco经理

历史见证了卢卡的曾祖父曾在这片葡萄园辛勤耕作。卢卡本人也是一位年轻富于创新并继承了家族谨慎勤奋的美好品质。家族有这样一个故事:一位祖先结过两次婚,育有十个孩子,他在酒窖存藏13桶葡萄酒, De Cicco家族每个成员一桶,为客人留下一桶。这个故事也告诉我们他如何根据大自然的循环来组织工作,安排休息和在四季轮回中来耕作脚下的这片土地, 来酿造优质产品。今天没有一个人想要改变这些,但同样让流传下来的经验得以世代相传也是我们的目标,使用更现代的工具,让这片土地的味道和灵魂得以优化,并让未来乡村传统文化和优良的品质得以保留。




LDC farm is located in the countryside of Sannio at about 5km from the city of Benevento.

_Produciamo Wine and a small amount of oil

_The Our current market include Italy, Switzerland and the USA

_Siamo Interested in the expansion of our sales channels, especially abroad


Until next winemaking ready to April 2015 have remained in the cellar only 7000 bottles (2000 FALANGHINA SANNIO DOP-5000 SANNIO RED DOP)


"It is a path among sunstruck fields that draws up the profile of our lives and that of the LDC company. Such lives are strictly tied to the land and to the fruits that she generously offers. Vine and olive trees is what we love to cultivate. Wine and oil is what we have always produced..."

Luca De Cicco, Manager

Our history tells of the hard work carried out in the vineyards by Luca's great great grandfather. Luca is a young and skilled innovator and also heir to a wealthy family both discreet and hardworking. There is a story about an ancestor who married twice and had ten children, he used to keep in his cellars 13 (thirteen) barrels of wine, one for each member of the De Cicco family plus one for eventual guests. The story tells also of how he used to organize work, time to rest and take care of the annual treatment of the land, all according to nature's cycle so AS TO ACHIEVE excellent products. Today no one wants to change any of this but our goal is to treasure the experience handed down, using more modern instruments so that the soul and the flavours of this land would be projected in the future maintaning the rural tradition, its culture and excellent quality.

New challenges often make one look upon QUANTITY rather than QUALITY, but LDC refused to follow this line, convinced that QUALITY should be favoured bearing in mind that wealth and true richness are achieved through simplicity, respect for the environment and for the consumer, in fact in the field we adopt techniques that have such requirements and for the vinification we use strict biological processes.

Courtesy and the methods that distinguish us are the leitmotiv of the hospitality that we intend to offer to whoever wishes to visit us, be entertained by pleasant tastings and fully enjoy these places, taking with them a piece of us, of our sense of belonging and the pride of our identity. All these are characteristics that are sapiently contained in our dishes and defended in our bottles...