护肤品与我们的健康息息相关,而精华的成分往往来自大自然,因此,我们创建了“Mademoiselle Gabrielle”这样一个纯天然护肤品品牌,我们的产品不含苯甲酸酯、苯氧乙醇、合成香料、石化产品以及转基因成分。我们所有的配方均通过法国QUALITE FRANCE、COSMEBIO和ECOCERT机构的认证。
我们的产品系列之一Velvet Care受到护肤品观察者推荐,以及劳伦斯2015/2016好的护肤品导引推荐。
我们欢迎您来到普罗旺斯,欢迎您来到Mademoiselle Gabrielle品牌诞生的地方,这里自然优雅,美女如云,人们富有进取精神,您来到这里,就如身临梦境或如临仙境……

Because cosmetics have a real impact on our health and because luxury is in Nature, the brand Mademoiselle Gabrielle chose to develop a skin cares range without paraben, phenoxyethanol, synthetic fragrance , petrochemicals and without GMO . Each formulas are validated by QUALITE FRANCE and COSMEBIO or ECOCERT.
The French founder of the brand, Sylvie Moreau explains: “I wanted to create a range very concentrated in Organic ingredients ( 81% on average for the 4 treatments) with a galenic and fragrances relatives of cosmetics of synthesis. The result is fabulous because cares are very sensory, chic, glamour with sensual fragrances and very efficient.
Engaged on the "Made in France", I wish focus on the actors and local producers in my area. The Provence is rich in culture, traditions and the art of living, it is therefore quite natural that the brand has been thought, designed, formulated and manufactured in Provence.”
Many ingredients come from Provence (such as organic Olive oil ) and the "elsewher" ingredients (shea, Baobab, cocoa etc. ) come from the fair trade. The formulas use also of "high tech" ingredients such as natural hyaluronic acid or enzymes of fruits.
The Velvet Care has been selected by cosmetic experts of the “observatory of cosmetics” and is recommended in the “Guide of the Best cosmetics 2015/2016 “ written by Laurence Wittner.
Welcome to Provence , Welcome to the world of Mademoiselle Gabrielle wher elegance is natural, wher women are beautiful, enterprising and demanding, without forgetting to dream .....
