我们的目标很简单:我们想让人们了解和认识到omega-3脂肪酸的重要性,主要体现在omega-3脂肪酸所含有的EPA & DHA成分。
omega-3脂肪酸所含有的EPA & DHA成分对于心脏和大脑健康十分必要,也有助于神经系统的发育。我们知道,要想让人们食用更多的ω-3脂肪酸(EPA & DHA),我们必须将我们的沙拉酱做得美味可口!
We created Rhode Islands' Omega-3 Dressings as an easy and tasty means for people to receive the health benefits of omega-3 essential fatty acids.
Our goal is simple: we want people to understand and realize the importance of omega-3s -- particularly, in the EPA & DHA forms.
The EPA & DHA forms of omega-3 fatty acids are noted for both heart and brain health and for proper neurological development. We knew that if we were to succeed in getting people to consume more EPA & DHA omega-3s we HAD to make our dressings & sauces taste good!
We feel very strongly that people need to increase their dietary consumption of omega-3s. To help with this, we have posted a few recipe ideas -- more will be coming!
Also, we are including links to ongoing research and studies about omega-3 fatty acids. We hope that you will consider our Rhode Islands' Omega-3 products --- however, even if you do not selec our omega-3 products we hope that the links and information will help to increase your knowledge of omega-3 fatty acids.
Healthy Regards.