您可以看到,我们有两种类型的意大利面。贴着意大利鱼的小麦 - 意大利面以及意大利条形码的产品均出自于我们位于埃及的意大利面工厂,价格相对低廉。还有一种则是位于那不勒斯的意大利面工厂生产的意大利面,价格略微高一些,蛋白质含量为12,2%。 (这是因为意大利本地的劳动力价格更加昂贵)。(由中国进出口网整理翻译)
We are seller mandate and work for the factory pasta in Naples . The factory have two locations .the first quarters is Naples and the other 'in Egypt! Generally I deal with all food products for made in Italy.  Tomato, pasta, coffee and olive oil from Italy.
Practically we sell all products in our interest in all Europa.
We sell in all world .
You see we have 2 types of pasta. All with wheat - Italian meal and bar code but precision products abroad in a pasta in our Egypt ... A low price. And other product totally in Naples-granola Italy with a price slightly more, proteins 12,2% .   ( The labor has higher price).