





The PsorMedicor journey began around the summer of 1995 when suddenly one day Mr.G woke up with psoriasis signs covering his entire body. Like any other patient he started testing many of the products available on the market, however unfortunately with minimal influence on his condition.


 Being a notable chemist and an owner of a research laboratory, he had immediately set to learn and develop a solution.


 Following few years of development the Psormiss was introduced and received a worm welcome by the public.


 Now days a new and better formulation, the PsorMedicor, has been developed and has been listed with the FDA as Human OTC (over the counter) Drug for treating the psoriasis symptoms.


 We are proud to declare that PsorMedicor product line has assisted many people in bettering and reducing the psoriasis symptoms, and in improving the life quality to men and women of any age.