焦糖牛奶糖果Lacto Train
2014-10-22 13:55
巧克力腰果奶油糖果Kaju Tofiz
2014-10-22 13:54
美味巧克力,加入丰富腰仁,给您满满的幸福感One of the delecious chocolate filled with rich cashewnuts that brings you a f
腰果奶油糖果Kaju Tofiz
2014-10-22 13:52
真正腰果,加入香浓牛奶,口感顺滑,美味持久This Tofiz made with real cashews and pure milk is very smoothy and tasty.
香辣番石榴口味糖果Guava Spicy
2014-10-22 13:50
风味糖果,椒盐口感,伴随着番石榴红色果实的香醇,给您甜美的回忆Flavoured candy mixed with salt and spicy along with the r
2014-10-22 13:49
用心体会原味地道的熟透番石榴的醇香口感Feel the taste of the original Guava and mellow in the sweetness of the ripe fruit
菠萝味太妃糖 橙子味Fruit fiz pineapple
2014-10-22 13:48
菠萝味太妃糖中心洋溢着浓郁的香草奶油Sweet pineapple toffee center filled with rich vanilla cream
水果味太妃糖 橙子味Fruit fiz orange
2014-10-22 13:45
橙子味太妃糖中心洋溢着浓郁的香草奶油Jangy orange toffee center filled with rich vanilla cream
水果味太妃糖 芒果味Fruit fiz mango
2014-10-22 13:43
芒果味太妃糖中心洋溢着浓郁的香草奶油Delicious fruity mango toffee center filled with rich vanilla cream
2014-10-22 13:42
巧克力加焦糖的味道,这一款太妃糖给您天堂般的美味享受。The toffee with the heavenly taste of chocolatecaramel.
水果味太妃糖 草莓味Fruit fiz strawberry
2014-10-22 13:42
草莓味太妃糖中心洋溢着浓郁的香草奶油Juicy strawberry toffee center filled with rich vanilla cream
酥脆巧克力太妃糖Eclair Crunchy
2014-10-22 13:40
又一场巧克力味觉盛宴。我相信,在最后一刻品尝到焦糖的味道,您一定会爱上这一款糖果。Another delight with the taste of rich
花生味糖果Crazy peanut
2014-10-22 13:37
花生味酥脆奶糖,味浓请更浓The candy with the taste of nuty peanut and sweetend milk.
香蕉味糖果Crazy Banana
2014-10-22 13:36
来自香蕉的甜美味觉体验,尽在这一款香蕉糖果里面。The crazy taste of banana with rich taste of candy
明星咖啡糖Coffee star
2014-10-22 13:35
咖啡糖Coffee gold
2014-10-22 13:31
顶级咖啡味糖果,添加真正咖啡和浓香奶油Premium coffee candy made with real coffee and creamy milk
椰子味糖果Coconut candy
2014-10-22 13:29
奶油味丰富的椰子糖果Creamy coconu candy filled with rich milk cream
神奇椰味糖果Coconut Magic
2014-10-22 13:28
细细品味这一传统糖果的神奇味道,真正选用椰子粉和纯酥油精制而成。Feel the magical taste of this traditional candy made fr
腰果口味糖果Chinese Kaju
2014-10-22 13:26
酥脆糖果,添加腰果成分和天然牛奶,松脆可口,美味持久。This nutty candy made with cashews and pure milk is very crunchy a
黄油乐趣糖果 Butter fun
2014-10-22 13:26
2014-10-22 13:25
全新菠萝味糖果,加入真正菠萝果汁,给您带来浓郁的菠萝风味。 Its a deposited pineapple flavored candy wher the flovaor has